Monday, August 22, 2005

This blog...

...was created to provide an "open market of ideas" in the John Stuart Mills sense, on matters of science, ethics, and politics that have recently started to receive national attention in our country. The stem cell debate, the Vioxx trials, and implantable defibrillator recalls are notable newsmakers that have been in the news of late and examples of potential topics. In the spirit of the "open market", it is the goal of this blog to have opinion expressed on all sides of a topic from the moderator himself, guest writers, and by providing open commentary after each post to anyone who's willing to chime in. A secondary goal is to be a place where science in the news stories are collected, at least the most interesting ones (to me, heh). There are certainly many similar (and excellent) sources for this, but particular attention will be paid to topics that are controversial, and that address areas where science, politics, ethics, and religion clash. And lastly, this blog will, from time to time, serve as a personal outlet from a scientist on the inside of the biotech/biomed universe. Compared to some of the other excellent science bloggers out there, I am a bit more fledgling in my life in as a professional, but my enthusiasm is great. And my interest in popularizing and educating non-scientists about the nature of scientific inquiry and it's accomplishments is greater still...particularly in correcting or clarifying how the press generally presents these issues (ie. poorly). Welcome to the PES forum, and if you like what you read, please tell your friends...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic blog idea - incredible potential to debate and broaden understanding all the way around. What's your first topic?

10:03 AM  

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